Why you should choose an online GRE prep Course?

One of the first decisions a potential GRE test-taker has to make is choosing the right GRE prep course. There are different ways to approach the GRE: by investing in printed material, by joining classes with professional tutors, or by signing up for an online GRE prep course. 

Online GRE prep courses are relatively new, however, they have proved themselves to be greatly beneficial. Below are a few important advantages of using an online GRE prep course.

Flexibility and Convenience

Studying for the GRE requires a lot of time and for many people, it must be divided between their professional, academic, or personal lives. This usually leads to studying at odd hours of the day and therefore attending physical classes becomes quite inconvenient. 

By signing up for an online GRE test prep course you can study at your own convenience. These courses provide day-to-day plans that can be accessed and completed whenever.


When preparing for the GRE, everyone has their own individual needs, which are not taken into consideration during physical classes. With online GRE prep courses, personalized learning is possible. You can focus on your weaknesses and select courses based on the amount of time you have left to study. Also, unlike physical classes where you have to keep up with the pace of the class, an online prep course allows you to prepare at your pace. 

Learn at your pace

By using the GRE test prep course you are given access to in-depth video tutorials on all the topics that appear in both the Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning sections. You can scroll through topics that seem easy and rewatch those that need more time to comprehend. This becomes especially beneficial when you are struggling with a particular topic and need extra preparation time. 

GRE Practice Tests

Most online prep websites provide students with practice tests. Additionally, many online prep courses also provide individual tests for Verbal or Quant sections separately. There is a timer present that allows you to see how long you spend on a question and therefore, where you should speed up or where you are saving time. 


Conventionally speaking, online courses are much more cost-effective than in-person classes or spending money on printed material. There are often various discounts going on as well. For a nominal fee, you have access to a wide variety of study material and tutorials. 

Efficient and Saves Time

Online prep is time effective; you don’t need to spend time traveling back and forth from the GRE prep facility. You save time and money, the same you can spend on preparing online much more effectively.

Latest Content

As the GRE evolves each year, so does the content provided on online GRE test preps. Many test preps ensure to keep up with the growing difficulty of the actual GRE by constantly adding in the new and relevant material. In contrast, printed material and in-person classes can become outdated quickly.

Online mentorship and social support

Many online test preps also have additional online social communities where users can engage with each other and provide guidance. Some of the best online GRE tests prep also provide FREE MENTOR services. These mentors provide one-on-one sessions and help you with all your needs, unlike in-person classes that are usually group sessions.

Final Thoughts

There are a variety of ways to prepare for the GRE but in recent years there has been a noticeable improvement in the results of those test-takers that have studied through online GRE test preps.  The information available is always up-to-date and easily accessible to anyone, anywhere, making it one of the best ways to prepare for your upcoming GRE. On Scholar Den students have shown an average gain of 30+ points using our resources.

If you have any questions, let us know in the comments section below and we will get back to you!


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